The Model Store Structure

This library’s model store interacts with a backend of your chosing. The library currently supports:

If you do not want to manage your own storage system, we also have a hosted storage that you can use with an API key.

This library stores models in cloud buckets using a pre-defined structure.

Model Archive & Meta Data

When you use upload(), an artifacts.tar.gz file is created and then uploaded to the storage of your choice. This archive contains:

  1. Any files that were dumped from your model,

  2. A "python-info.json" file that enumerates the version of the Python library of the model you are exporting.

The upload() function returns a dictionary containing meta-data about the model.

The meta-data includes:

  • A unique UUID4 for your model;

  • Details about where the model is being uploaded to (the bucket and prefix);

  • The Python runtime that was used (e.g., “python:3.7.0”)

  • The user who ran the training.

  • Versions for the Python library and key dependencies.

Model Domains

A domain is the word we use to group models, that are all intended for the same end-usage, together.

Under the hood, this is just a string, so it is up to you how you would like to use it; it is required because this library stores models by domain.

File Storage Structure

When you pick a backend that stores data in files (e.g., Cloud Storage Buckets), the files are stored with a pre-defined structure.

The top-level, root prefix that this library hard-codes is operatorai-model-store.

When you create and upload a model archive, this library will upload three files to different places in the bucket.

1. The artifacts archive will be uploaded to: root/<domain>/<datetime>/archive.tar.gz, where the datetime has the form "%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M:%S" - denoting the time when the model was uploaded. 2. The library creates a dictionary of meta-data about your model. This will be uploaded to root/<domain>/versions/<model-id>.json. 3. This same meta-data is also stored in root/<domain>/latest.json, which tracks the _last_ model that was uploaded to the model store.


Let’s imagine you’re training a text classifier to detect whether some customer text is about “refunds.”

Over time, you may end up re-training this classifier several times, with newer data or different models types; however, you still need a way to denote that all of these models were about detecting refund requests.

In this case, you could set the domain="customer-refunds".

Models that are exported in this domain will be stored to:
